El servicio de ciberseguridad es necesario para empresas de pequeño a gran tamaño que deseen proteger los datos de terceros e información empresarial de ataques cibernéticos, que pueden llevar a pérdidas financieras y morales. Está destinado a diversos sectores, como salud, finanzas y servicios públicos.
El servicio de Análisis de Vulnerabilidades es como un guardia virtual, vigilando constantemente todos los servidores para garantizar que estén en conformidad e inmunes a amenazas. Utilizando software avanzado, nuestros profesionales realizan verificaciones periódicas, identificando posibles brechas y vulnerabilidades. Este servicio opera mensualmente, proporcionando una defensa en capas que mantiene la integridad de los sistemas en tiempo real.
El Pentest, o Prueba de Penetración, es la auditoría definitiva que evalúa la verdadera resistencia de los sistemas contra ataques cibernéticos. Realizado anualmente, este procedimiento simula un ataque real para probar la robustez de los servidores. Asegurándose de que todas las barreras estén intactas, el Pentest es esencial para garantizar que la infraestructura digital de una empresa permanezca impenetrable.
Nuestro servicio de ciberseguridad se basa en tres pilares esenciales:
Todos los procesos de STWBrasil siguen metodologías internas rigurosas. Esto asegura un enfoque consistente y efectivo en todos los servicios de ciberseguridad. La estandarización de procedimientos es esencial para hacer frente a las amenazas complejas del mundo digital.
Nuestros servicios de ciberseguridad no solo responden a las amenazas, sino que van más allá, anticipándose a los posibles ataques. Con una combinación de monitoreo continuo, auditorías anuales y una sólida infraestructura tecnológica, STWBrasil permanece a la vanguardia de la defensa cibernética, protegiendo a nuestros clientes contra los desafíos siempre cambiantes del panorama digital.
The certifications below attest to STWBrasil’s competence and demonstrate our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, reinforcing the quality of services provided by our professionals. All these seals are internationally recognized and are the reason we are a reference in the Brazilian market when it comes to information security.
Cellebrite is a leading company in digital forensic technology, specializing in the development of advanced solutions for extraction, analysis, and management of data from mobile devices.
We use their tools for digital investigations and evidence collection from smartphones and other electronic devices.
Internationally recognized series of credentials in the field of information security and cybersecurity.
This hands-on theoretical training allows for the enhancement of cybersecurity skills to be made available to your company, ranging from system auditing and management to incident response and digital forensics.
Certification of great importance for all professionals working with confidential information.
Exin covers topics ranging from information and security, threats and risks to laws and regulations. With it, it is possible to understand how to proceed within the law when dealing with sensitive data from third parties.
Global organization dedicated to promoting cybersecurity practices and training in related certifications.
With the skills acquired in this training, our digital forensic experts have the necessary knowledge to protect systems and investigate malicious activities within your company.
OpenText is a leading company in providing enterprise information management solutions. In the market since 1991, this tool is recognized for its advanced ECM (Enterprise Content Management) solutions, which cover everything from digital document capture to archiving. With this platform, we manage processes in the information security area and conduct information analysis with the assurance of compliance with privacy standards.
ElearnSecurity is an organization specializing in cybersecurity that offers a variety of training courses and certifications. In addition to its programs keeping up with current trends and challenges, the content provided is practical and results-oriented, with virtual labs and hands-on training to ensure that professionals acquire real and applicable skills. With it, our professionals are able to perform pentests to digital forensic analysis.
Leading company in information security. The digital protection of your company is our priority. We rely on state-of-the-art technology used by highly specialized professionals.
(11) 2666-3787
R. São Bento, 365 – 8o Andar – Centro Histórico de São Paulo, São Paulo – SP,
CNPJ: 05.089.825/0001-48.
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